Agent Advice

Holiday season tips for estate agents

Private Property South Africa
Sarah-Jane Meyer |
Holiday season tips for estate agents

The summer holidays can mean a complete break from generating leads and closing deals for some estate agents. But if you are trying to avoid a lull in business, you need to take steps during the holiday season to survive and thrive.


The first thing you need to do is be available - and make sure everyone knows it.

Many agents in your area will probably be away for the holidays. But property buyers and sellers are still out there, and their calls may be going unanswered. So it's the ideal time for you to be available and make sure your leads and clients are aware of the fact.

Therefore, you need to continue your marketing efforts.

  • By sending out emails, newsletters and posting content to your agent website. Make it clear and known that you'll be available during this holiday season. It’s a good idea to adapt your marketing strategies to fit the holiday season.
  • Add seasonal images and information about the local summer property market.
  • Try offering different deals or buyer incentives by tying them to the holidays.

Summer sales

Most properties appear to be in an advantageous position in summer. Gardens are full of flowers, and there is more natural light indoors. Also, buyers have more time on their hands, so they may be inclined to spend it house hunting.

Remind potential clients that this is the best time of year to buy – and sell - a home.

The summer property market can bring with it less competition for buyer leads and better deals. However, the average property buyer may not be aware of this. Therefore, this presents an excellent opportunity to remind them that this can be the best time of the year to buy a property.

Send out an email about your local summer property market highlighting the facts that make it an excellent time to buy a home in your area. If writing is not your forte, share the content of others on social media where prospective buyers and sellers will see it and keep your brand top of mind.

Make sure you quote accurate and current facts and figures to convince potential buyers and sellers to act now. The Private Property site is an excellent source of content.

Holiday greetings

Lead nurturing is sometimes neglected during the busy holiday season. But it's a great time to build relationships with your property leads and prospects.

It's also an excellent time to stay in touch with past clients – possibly securing referrals from them. Sending out holiday postcards or emails is an easy way to nurture leads during this time of year.

Keep in mind that South Africa is a melting pot of cultures, so it may be best to drop off cards with general holiday greetings for residents in your area. Muslim or Jewish residents, for instance, might be put off by a card wishing them a Merry Christmas.

You can make gifting more personal with small gift baskets or hand-written holiday notes for past clients.


The market may slow down over the holidays, but your real estate networking activities shouldn’t. You will probably have more free time, so use it well to build your estate agent network. Also, keep a lookout for relevant events in your area and be sure to attend them.

Set up appointments and coffee dates with possible leads. Even if they aren’t ready now to close a deal, you will have more time to meet up with them to answer any questions they may have. In addition, meeting up could help them make up their minds sooner than they intended.


You will often find that property investors don’t slow down during the holiday season. They are on the lookout for investment properties all year round. Even when they are away from home on holiday, property investors will be keen if there is an investment opportunity.

Selling investment properties may require additional skills and marketing strategies. In addition, investors are looking for investment property data, such as rental trends and investment growth prospects. Again, the Private Property site has informative articles on these topics.

Take a break

Working on your business during the holiday season doesn’t mean you mustn’t take some time to spend with family and friends. Instead, make sure to plan your time so that you can enjoy a few days here and there and still make money during the holidays. Just be sure to make it clear from the start when you’re available and which days you’ll be taking off.

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