Lifestyle and Decor

10 things interior designers can’t live without

Private Property South Africa
Carmel Woodman |
10 things interior designers can’t live without

From rugs to ceramics, here are the must-haves that the world’s style-setters cannot exist without.

Decorating your home isn’t easy, and whether you have a flair for interior design or not, sometimes things just don’t look right. Before you call in the experts, check out what some of the world’s top interior designers simply can’t live without.

  • Luxurious rugs: Whether your décor style is modern and simple, or elegant and vintage, beautiful rugs help to finish off a lounge or bedroom, and complete the room. Rugs are versatile and easy to change when your room design changes. Interior design tends to focus on the big things that are the most noticeable, however this detail shouldn’t be overlooked as it makes a room feel more homely.

Lucury rug in home

  • Lamps: Illumination of the house is a very important aspect of interior design. Without lamps and soft lighting, a home is left with stark overhead lights which give off a cold and clinical feeling. Lamps add an ethereal aspect to your home and make it feel more comfortable and relaxing. Lamps can either be a feature, or blend in with the interior design, based on size, pattern and material used.

  • Fabrics and textiles: Simply put, fabric makes a room. Add fabric to a room for some beauty and comfort. Fabric also rounds off the design of any room, giving it a finished touch. For a formal room, fabrics like velvet and linen work well, whereas for an informal room, fabrics like acrylic, denim or cotton are advisable. Don’t be afraid to mix fabrics and patterns in layers, however it’s best not to use more than 3 patterns or textures, or the room will look disjointed.

  • Essential oils: Round off the entire home’s style with a beautiful scent. Picking the right essential oil that suits your home can go a long way to creating the desired overall vibe within the home. It’s a small detail that interior designers often can’t live without.

  • Cushions: Different coloured and textured cushions are the perfect accessory for any interior designer. Mix and match these in the bedroom, the lounge or the study, to give a room depth and character. Cushions can easily be changed, and are one of the most versatile design elements. When choosing cushions, make sure that they either contrast or complement the rest of your décor appropriately. Different textures can be used on cushions to give the room an interesting addition.

Cushions in home

  • Uniquely styled bedside table: Bedside tables are a necessity to complete a bedroom design, not only visually but also functionally. The bedroom has evolved into much more than just a sleeping area and having unique bedside tables is a great way to get a comfortable storage zone while enhancing the look of your bedroom. The best part is that bedside tables come in all shapes and sizes, and you can pick the one that best suits your needs, as well as your design.

  • Good shelving: Different kinds of shelving make your space evolve, as shelves can be used in different ways. Gone are the days where shelves were only used for functional purposes, they are now used for decoration as well. Shelves are versatile in shape, and anything from bookcases to floating shelves will serve your home well. It’s a good idea not to fill every inch of wall space with shelving, but rather leave some space around each set of shelves, or only use one set per wall or room.

Shelving in home

  • Oversized couch and table: World famous fashion designer, Diane von Furstenberg, can’t live without a big couch and table in her home. She loves these items as they provide comfort, style and convenience to her home. She uses them for drawing, reading and meetings. They’re two great pieces of furniture to have in the lounge or study, for their versatile nature. If you update the room design, the couch can simply be re-covered to match.

  • Personal items: Add some personal touches to your home by putting sentimental items on display. Displaying things from a memorable time in your life; souvenirs from trips abroad, gifts and more, is a great way to personalise your space and add character to your home.

  • Handmade ceramics: Handmade items create a sense of beauty and originality, and what better item to use than ceramics? Ceramics often come in neutral colours and can be chosen to complement your interior design to a T. Handmade ceramics will give a room a personal touch, making it feel more comfortable and homely, and adds dimension to a space.

Keep these tips in mind when decorating your home. With both function and design advice from the experts, you’re on the right track to making your home look exquisite and feel comfortable.  

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