Lifestyle and Decor

Ready, steady, spring refresh - get your home season-ational

Private Property South Africa
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Ready, steady, spring refresh - get your home season-ational

It’s so synonymous with the season that we even call it “spring cleaning”. Longer, brighter days and the smell of buds and blooms is the ideal time to not just clean your home but treat it (and by extension, yourself) to a refresh.

While many people know how to sweep and dust and vacuum and wipe, there are also spaces and things that get overlooked in the ordinary course of cleaning.

Here are some tips for cleaning those areas that you’ve probably been overlooking for months.

Bright lights

Things feeling a bit dim? It could be that the light bulbs are dusty! But seriously, a surprising amount of dust accumulates on bulbs, dimming their glow over time. Long-lasting LED bulbs may not be changed for years, which is a good thing for energy consumption, but not great for cleanliness. Simply switch the lights off and dust with a soft dry cloth and let there be light.

Curtain call

Curtains and fabric blinds are silent dust gatherers, just hanging there accumulating dirt! Breathing new life into curtains is as simple as vacuuming them or giving them a once-over with a steamer if you have one. Another way to spruce them up is to take them down, remove the hooks and tumble dry them with a damp towel to get rid of dust.

Curtains that are really dirty may need to be dry cleaned but it’s good practice to vacuum them regularly to reduce the need for dry cleaning.

Shiny surfaces

Nothing says “sparkling clean and fresh” quite like literal shine! Give chrome surfaces and appliances a good shine by dabbing lemon juice onto a cloth and applying, then buffing the surface well.

For stainless steel appliances and items like fridges, dishwashers, ovens and sinks, moisten a soft cloth with some baby oil or olive oil, and gently rub the surface for a gorgeous shine. Wipe off with a paper towel.

For areas in your home that don’t require heavy cleaning, a wonderful natural cleaner that you can make yourself is to mix half cup of vinegar, 2 cups of water and 30 drops of essential oil (combine 10 drops each of eucalyptus, peppermint and orange, or 15 drops each of lavender and lemon) in a spray bottle. Shake to combine and spray on desired surfaces and wipe clean.

Shelf life

Open shelves look great and remain trendy but they tend to get dusty and overcrowded very quickly, which then ruins the aesthetic.

Remedy this by taking everything off the shelves and give them a good clean. As you’re packing items back, think of the process as decorating, rather than just packing every inch of space full of things. Take a figurative scalpel to the shelf, and ask yourself whether you still believe the item to be useful or beautiful as you’re packing it back. A less-is-more approach to an open shelf also means a surface that’s easier to keep clean.

Despite the cheerfulness of the term “spring cleaning”, it remains a chore, which is why it is useful to note that the benefits of cleaning go beyond having an immaculate home. University College London researchers found that active cleaning can have a positive impact on your mental health and reduce stress and anxiety by up to 20%. And the best part? You need to do as little as 20 minutes to enjoy the benefits.

Writer : SweepSouth

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