Lifestyle and Decor

A guide to property in the Raslouw area

Private Property South Africa
Press |
A guide to property in the Raslouw area

Find out what the property market looks like in Raslouw, Centurion West.

Property demand

Properties listed for sale in Raslouw comprise approximately 4% of the total sale listings in the Centurion West area. Approximately 3% of the interest (views) in properties for sale in the Centurion West area is attributable to properties listed for sale in Raslouw.

Properties listed for rent in Raslouw comprise approximately 2% of the total rental listings in the Centurion West area. Approximately 4% of the interest (views) in properties for rent in the Centurion West area is attributable to properties listed for rent in Raslouw.

Median asking price for Raslouw properties

  • R2,3m: For a typical property (three-bedroom house)

  • R1,27m: In a complex

  • R1,2m: For an apartment

  • R2,12m: For a house

Median asking prices for Raslouw rentals

  • R14,400: For a typical rental property (three-bedroom house)

  • R9,700: For property in a complex

  • R6,500: For an apartment

  • R16,800: For a house

Property types for sale

  • 5% Complex

  • 4% Apartment

  • 91% House

    Property types for rent

  • 54% House

  • 8% Apartment

  • 38% Complex

    Buying in Raslouw

The monthly bond repayment to purchase a typical property in Raslouw, namely a four-bedroom house, with the median asking price of R2,3m is R22,963 per month over 20 years at prime of 10,5% with no deposit.

This article originally appeared in Neighbourhood, Sunday Times.

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Centurion West
Family friendly convenience
With many estates dotted around the area, the gated village lifestyle is a popular choice. A sense of community and family abounds, and everyone seems to know each other at the local hang-outs. Situated near the N1 highway between Johannesburg and Pretoria, Centurion West offers a country living ambience not far from the big cities. Sparkling lakes and rolling hills make this area a golfer’s paradise. It’s a great outdoorsy way of life, with all the comforts of a city life.

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