South Africa

There is nothing stagnant about the property industry and Private Property will keep you in the loop through its dedicated Property News portal. Important elements such as whether it’s a buyers’ or sellers’ market, industry trends, and property news specific to South Africa are covered in this section.


Where are we going economically, trends, what is changing and where do we invest now?

Long Term Trends – where are we going, what is changing and what do we do? Dr Dolf De Roos, author of Real Estate Riches and the first truly international property investor, says that the easiest ...


The Cost of a Bullet to our Economy

Government’s investigation into the recent tragedy at Marikana in North-West, will hopefully answer amongst others, the question of who fired the first bullet. Irrespective of the answer, the question remains: What did firing ...


“Generation Rent” brings opportunities for property investors

Recent recessionary times have brought about more than a depressed property market: the state of the global economy has influenced an entire generation’s opinion on home ownership.

Property Advice

Warm up winter by getting into better financial shape for summer

Winter is the time when most local authorities raise their rates as well as their tariffs for water and electricity supplies.

Property Advice

Money laundering

If truth be told, banks, lawyers, cell phone companies and indeed any company offering accounts must be drowning under a barrage of paperwork. South Africahas strict laws aimed at reducing money laundering and crime and as such, ...

Property Advice

Save that windfall - when prime rates drop

Say the financial gurus, to those with mortgage bonds wanting to maximise the benefits of prime interest rates dropping.

Who's right about house prices?

Who's right about house prices?

SA home buyers and sellers can now access a whole stack of property price statistics, but getting a grip on the market is still pretty much guesswork and gut feel.

Property Advice

Embrace the property transfer

Are you unhappy about how long it takes to transfer your new home into your name? Have you been inconvenienced by transfer delays which meant you had to carry on renting in your old home? Have you had to reschedule your move ...


Changes to property-related taxes: 2012

Property owners and other participants in the property industry will be generally disappointed with the 2012 budget that was presented by the Minister of Finance in February.

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