What will my home loan repayments be?

Bond Repayment Calculator

Find out more about bond affordability

What is a bond affordability calculator?

When planning on buying a home, it is essential to know exactly how much you can afford before you start your property search. A bond affordability calculator uses your monthly income to determine the maximum home loan amount that you could get from a bank.

How do banks calculate my bond affordability?

Banks usually calculate the home loan amount you qualify for by looking at:

Your affordability is ultimately based on around 30% of your gross monthly income and on your disposable income.

Remember that a bond affordability calculator is a useful tool to determine the maximum loan value and monthly repayment that you qualify for but is not a guarantee that you will be granted a home loan. You will need to apply for a home loan, and it is at the discretion of the bank to grant it or not.