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Spa Bathrooms - The Way to Go

Spa Bathrooms - The Way to Go

Private Property South Africa

Homeowners often take bathrooms for granted but these rooms can become spaces in which owners can take some much needed time out for themselves and recharge their batteries. So says Kate van Niekerk, marketing manager of Tile Africa.

“Transforming your bathroom into a spa-like space can go a long way towards achieving serenity,” explains Van Niekerk. “However, in order for such rooms to exude a calming atmosphere and act as your own personal sanctuary and getaway, there are a few guidelines which need to be followed. For instance, they need to feature clean lines and be clutter-free. Organising your space and having a place for everything will lessen your anxiety and create an instant calming effect. This can be achieved through obtaining a vanity that offers ample storage space or beautiful wicker baskets that will enhance and complement your bathroom''

Van Niekerk says another way to take care of a messy bathroom is to create various storage solutions for different bathroom functions. Rather than having towels tossed everywhere or dumped on the floor in heaps, install one or two towel rails. For the ultimate luxury opt for a heated towel rail.

“Clever and attractive storage solutions contribute to a chic and practical space where you can relax,” notes Van Niekerk. Using toned-down colours, softening lighting and adding a few accessories to enhance the in-home spa look are just some of the other things you can do to transform your bathroom.

Lending credence to Van Niekerk’s premise regarding colour, she says most spas choose warm neutral colours around which they base their decor. She reckons browns are earthy and will make you feel safe, while whites are deemed clean, fresh and pure.

When choosing which tiles to use for your bathroom wall and floor, stick with colours that will calm your mood she advises. “Make sure to choose similar tones as variations of the same colour. Doing so will enhance the harmony in your space.”

Van Niekerk also advocates drawing on nature for inspiration for spa bathrooms. “Take your inspiration from nature by bringing natural elements into your bathroom to help you restore your sense of serenity. Your fixtures and accessories can all resemble nature. A deep, rich wooden vanity or free-standing bath on a wooden base, sandstone cladding used as a feature wall behind a stone basin or natural stone listelli are all examples of accessories which draw on nature.”

If you’re looking for a slightly simpler way to include nature in your spa bathroom, Van Niekerk says this can be achieved through introducing either large or small plants which can contribute to making a space appear airy and bright. When it comes to placement, try to protect your plants from the shower spray and direct streams of water as this can damage their leaves.

Lastly, Van Niekerk says spas don’t just appeal to your sight and touch; they also soothe with sounds. Should this aspect appeal to you, consider installing a hidden CD player in your bathroom and play calming music whenever you dip into a relaxing bath.

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