
Calmness and community

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  • As the typical "bedroom community", this neighbourhood has a peaceful, residential character. The larger cities and suburbs surrounding Alberton are easily accessible via the highways, either for commuting or entertainment purposes. Houses and building in this area are very well built and spacious. This is a blissful place to retire, with a close-knit community that look out for each other.

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    Experience Alberton

    People eating in a restaurant in Alberton

    A sense of community abounds in this neighbourhood, as residents behave like extended family and everyone knows everyone. This provides a feeling of comfortability and security. Local pubs and restaurants are relaxed and casual, with a friendly vibe.

    River and trees in Alberton Playing golf at Reading Country Club in Alberton

    The Reading Country Club in Alberton is a popular destination for golfers. The Alberton City Shopping centre is a favourite for those wanting to shop or a quaint meeting spot. The Rietvlei Boeremark is a wonderful craft market for residents looking for a relaxed browsing experience.

    Church in Alberton
    Situated amongst the historical koppies and nature reserves of the south, this area comes close to giving the resident a feeling of country living.
    An outdoor market in Alberton View of houses from the street in Alberton
    Alberton is already fully developed, so it offers that security of an established system, as well as a well operating community that are very close-knit. The properties are very affordable, but they still grow as investments.
    Horse riding at a park in Alberton

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