Agent Advice

Maximise Your Branding and Increase Leads

Private Property South Africa
Mark Coetzee |
Maximise Your Branding and Increase Leads

These are exciting times for us at Private Property!

Our new web site was launched on 8th September and the new features we have built into the system will add significant value to you as an agent and will further distance us from our competitors.

We have always been able to provide you access to our vast database of buyers, and that won’t change! We are still committed to providing you the most buyer leads in the industry, BUT, our goal is also to be able to provide you with seller mandates.

Our objective is to provide you with a complete real estate solution with access to both buyers and sellers...

Here’s how it works:

List Results Banner

As an Estate Agent who advertises your mandates on, your company logo should already appear on each of your property listings near the contact details.

But how can you increase your presence on the site in other areas? Well, we have a plan. We will be launching a new product on 1st October called – the List Result Banner.

Your company logo will appear on the search results page next to every listing credited to your agency.

And that’s not all! Your logo will click through to a landing page dedicated to your agency, which will contain information about your company, its location and its agents, as well as all properties currently advertised by your agency on We’ll even include a Virtual Tour of your office, and a personalized Video of your office, free of charge.

Increase leads and get prospective sellers to contact you directly – a prominently displayed “sell my house” link on your landing page enables would-be sellers to send you their contact information, and hereby provide you with BUYERS as well as SELLERS.

What are the benefits to you as an Estate Agent?

In a nutshell, when your agency has a list results banner, you’ll:

  • Have a unique branding opportunity

  • Your brand will receive 20 times more exposure

  • Increase leads and awareness through the dedicated landing page

  • And you have the added benefit of receiving leads for Sellers

What are the costs?

Estate Agencies based in Metro areas will pay R500 per month, and non-Metro agencies will pay R300 per month. (Ad-vantage Club members receive a 50% discount on this monthly fee.)

But remember, Private Property will issue your agency with ProPoints equivalent to your spend on the list results banner each month, which essentially means that the banner pays for itself!

For more information, or to get the list results banner for your agency, please contact your Private Property Account Manager

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