Lifestyle and Decor

Homes of the future

Private Property South Africa
Lea Jacobs |
Homes of the future

How the homes of the future are going to be run, and what this means for us.

Can you imagine owning a bed that adapts to your body temperature or being able to look out of a smart window that reacts to light or projects a scene of your choosing. Well according to an article on Rightmove, a British real estate company, both of these ideas are not so far-fetched as you might think and could well feature in our homes in the future, providing that the home is linked to a reliable broadband internet.

There's no doubt about it, the homes of the future are going to be run using smart technology an aspect that is going to make our lives easier. We’ve already caught a glimpse of how things are set to change within the home environment with the advent of smart phones, but basically most of us haven't even begun to realise just how much the latest technology is going to change our lives. One thing however, is clear, the new smart devices of tomorrow are going to make our lives simpler and more comfortable. Teachable programming and visual input methods, for example, are set to take over from Apps and speech recognition. A prototype by AI Build has introduced a range of cameras into the mix.

According to an article in Forbes Magazine, the device will attach to the ceiling of a room in a connected home. It will have six cameras that will give it a 360 degree perspective of the home and will be able to be taught where objects are situated in a room, to recognise certain people and to respond to a range of motions and gestures. In other words, if all goes according to plan, you should be able to point things such as a lights, a TV or a sound system and have them turn themselves on or off.

Of course none of the above or indeed any smart technology will be possible without a reliable broadband connection. Wifi is the key to unlocking the home of the future as more and more smart devices enter the fray. Think about it what would be the point of investing in state of the art technology if the devices weren't able to speak to one another. Unfortunately, at this stage connectivity in South Africa is expensive and out of reach of a large part of the population; something that is going to have to be addressed if the country wants to keep up with the rest of the world.

Having the right kind of connectivity is going to play a far bigger role in the future and it stands to reason that this is going to impact on the sales price of a home. Before you all think that this technology is all a bit too sci-fi for your liking, it's highly likely that this type of technology will feature in all homes in the not too distant future. Personally, we can't wait to get our hands on a fridge that tell us what foodstuffs we are running low on or being able to stream television on to any surface we choose. We are excited about what the future holds and how all of this will make our lives so much easier.

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