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6 décor tips to create a stress-free home

6 décor tips to create a stress-free home

Private Property South Africa
The Roosting Venus

Transform your home’s interior into a space where you can de-stress with these décor tips.

Make your home a true sanctuary – create spaces and settings that relax and recharge your family and friends, with a few simple décor tips. You’ll be surprised at how good you – and they - feel.

Front door

Set the scene as people enter your home. Create a welcoming entrance space, with comfortable lighting, an eye-catching focal point and a good ambience. In summer make sure that this area isn’t hot and stuffy, and in winter make sure people don’t walk into a cold home. Next up you’ll need somewhere for people - family and friends to put things – keys, bags, jackets – so they can leave their “stuff” at the front door, and come in unhampered. For family members this can even be a spot to change into slippers, leaving school and work behind, and shifting from outside worries to the comforts of home. The front door is also a great area for pleasing other senses – a fragrance diffuser, strongly scented flowers or a candle make a wonderful greeting, as does background music.

Green scene

Green plants almost instantly improve people’s moods, and on top of this are natural air purifiers. Find a setting for an unusual houseplant or too. Pop them into striking pots to create eye-pleasing features.

Light and dark

By lighting your rooms in dramatic ways you can create an ambience which turns your home from the ordinary into something special. It may be no more than allowing sunlight to pour in through slatted shutters in the mornings, using a textured lampshade or popping lighting into dramatic wall sconces for wonderful effect. Similarly, allow darkness to work its magic. Too much bright light at night prevents people from unwinding and getting a good night’s sleep, use dimmer switches, opt for candles, allow for low light and let your senses unwind.

Quiet spot

Create quiet places in your home where family members, or family members and friends can unwind away from the screens that dominate our worlds. Create a corner or two, with no TV, no electronics, just comfortable seating, perhaps a great view, a place perhaps where people can simply sit and talk – or read, or just think.

Add luxury

Enjoy those luxury hotels? Every wondered why? Most probably because they pamper your senses. Reflect on what you most enjoy about the special places you have stayed – or dream to stay at – and add those touches to your own home. You’ll find bathrooms and bedroom easiest to address in these ways – think scented soaps, luxurious towels, great linen, soft bathrobes, a fluffy rug - don’t hold back, these small touches can make a huge difference so through luxury just where you’ll enjoy it most.

Add love

Promote a happy and warm atmosphere in your home with visible displays of the people and things you love: photographs of happy moments, special gifts, meaningful art, and souvenirs of happy times.

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