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Tips for creating a home gym

Tips for creating a home gym

Private Property South Africa
Veronica Logan

It’s no secret that regular exercise is one of the most important contributors to our overall health and fitness levels. That said, it’s sometimes difficult to find the time or energy to hit the gym, especially after a long day at the office.

If this is an experience you find yourself having, it’s worthwhile considering how you could go about converting a space in your home into a gym space. Seems like a daunting venture? Fear not! We’ve pulled together three expert tips on creating a home gym to help you invest into your fitness without breaking breaking a sweat.


The first step to creating your gym is identifying where in your home lends itself best to the kind of exercise you’re into. If you’re into weight training or intense cardio, then your garage is probably a good place to consider given the size and space on offer. If you’re more into strength training or toning exercises like yoga or pilates, then a spare bedroom or even a corner in the lounge might be worthwhile considering. No matter what exercise you’ll be doing, be sure to set up in a space where you have more than enough room to move, especially if you plan on bringing in some equipment like a treadmill or weight machines.


As with all things, it can be easy to get caught up in the hype and excitement of planning a space so be sure to establish a budget and earmark specifically what equipment you’re willing and able to invest in. Spend some time researching what equipment will cost you and where you can afford to get creative and use alternative options. For example, you may not be able to afford a state-of-the-art treadmill, but a skipping rope can be as effective when it comes to cardio. Similarly, resistance bands can be the perfect alternative to weight machines. That said, it’s worthwhile considering secondhand options or even using equipment-free workouts, like running on the beach or bodyweight workouts, as these could help save in the long run. Despite what advertisers might tell you, health and fitness doesn’t have to cost you anything!


While it’s up to you as to how far you want to take things when creating your home gym, it’s important to bear in mind that you’re aiming to create a space that motivates you to workout and achieve your fitness goals. The equipment and items you need will therefore vary based on these goals, but some key items to consider investing in include:

  • Exercise mats for stretching or weight training
  • Exercise balls
  • Resistance bands for strength training and stretching
  • One or two kettlebells for weight training
  • A foam roller for after workout stretching and massaging
  • A full length mirror as these not only help you monitor your form and technique, but help in making rooms appear larger and more spacious.
  • A Bluetooth speaker or some form of music player
  • A fan or air conditioning unit
  • Storage units for towels or equipment
  • A washing basket for dirty towels or clothing
  • Incense or candles (if you’re into yoga or pilates)
  • The right paint colour if you have a dedicated room on hand. Painting your home gym a colour that evokes a sense of motivation and energy or calmness and serenity - depending on what you’re into - could go a long way to getting you in there more often than a room that leaves you uninspired or promotes a sense of unwelcoming.

At the end of the day, creating a workout space at home doesn’t have to break the bank or your back! No matter what your fitness goals are, there is always a way to achieve them even outside of the gym. Ultimately, working out in your own home should give you the degree of flexibility and motivation that a gym visit after work might not be able to pull off. Be confident that with proper research, considered planning and a little creativity, you can be up and running (or lifting!) in no time!

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