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CARE Awards gala dinner

CARE Awards gala dinner

Private Property South Africa
Private Property Reporter

Quick – get out your diary or iPad and block off time on 17 October for the CARE Awards gala dinner and prize-giving!

The spectacular Suncoast Casino has been booked for the event and your hosts, Private Property and IEASA, look forward to having fun with you on the night. We’re looking at yummy menu options and trying to decide on the best band for the night – so come hungry and wear your dancing shoes!

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On a more serious note, the event is all about the industry’s efforts to support the communities in which it operates. This newsletter is crammed with CARE entries that will, hopefully, inspire you to think about how you, too, can get involved. Bear in mind that the overall winner will be presented with R35 000 to donate to the charity of their choice.

Please also start thinking about who you’d like to invite! The venue we’ve selected holds a maximum of 200 people, so seats are limited. A table for 10 people will cost just R5 000 to sponsor. For more details on the evening, or to book a table, please contact Ashleigh on

See you there!

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