Industry News

Property Advice

What's on the cards for 2013?

Every year various South African real estate companies reveal their predictions for the next 12 months.

Property Advice

Sectional Title units are not meant to house businesses

For various reasons, more and more people want to work at home rather than commute to an office every day.

Property Advice

Fixtures and Fittings

It is not uncommon for disputes to arise between a buyer and a seller regarding what is classified as a fixture and fitting and what isn’t, says Adrian Goslett, CEO of RE/MAX of Southern Africa.

Property Advice

Life's a beach

The December holidays are upon us and while many will be heading off for a welcome break, others will have a more serious agenda in mind and will be looking to invest in a holiday home. 

Property Advice

Urgent Last Call for Tax-Free Property Transfers

Property owners now only have one month left to set in motion the tax-free transfer of any residential properties.

Property Advice

Fixtures and fittings

It is not uncommon for disputes to arise between a buyer and a seller regarding what is classified as a fixture and fitting and what isn’t.

Property Advice

The ugly side to sole mandates in South Africa

In a recent article, we noted that sellers who chose to market their properties under a sole mandate agreement could be better off than those who chose to use multiple agents to sell their homes.

Property Advice

Good News on Housing from the Census

The statistics just released from the national Census taken last year have of course raised some serious concerns about the inequalities still evident in South Africa.

Property Advice

Market advice for buyers

There is no doubt that homeownership plays a vital role and has become a number one priority for many South Africans, says Adrian Goslett, CEO of RE/MAX of Southern African.

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