Lifestyle and Decor

Upgrading your home security in 2019

Private Property South Africa
Cath Jenkin |
Upgrading your home security in 2019

The thing about home security systems is that you never actually need it, until you need it. Putting together a home security system that works for your lifestyle is important, for your family and your future. Here’s why..

Security systems pay off thrice

Upgrading your security systems pays off thrice: once, by securing your family’s safety and possessions; twice, because your household insurance premiums could decrease as you upgrade your security system, and again by improving the value of your home should you decide to sell. In 2019, make it your home security. Improving your home security will increase your property value, so it makes sense to make this a priority.

The onion approach

Building and maintaining a home security system should be approached like an onion. As you peel back the layers of an onion, more and more crunchy layers are revealed. Tackle your home security like an onion tackles the world, working from the inside to the outside.

Upgrading those layers

Start creating your security layers, from the outside in. Using technology and upgrading your internal layers of security is important. In particular, assess and upgrade your:

  • Internal security gates: Make sure these gates are the slam-lock type, as this makes closing them much easier. You should have a well-fitted internal security gate installed between your living areas and your bedrooms.
  • External security gates: Upgrade these to the slam-lock type too, as this makes locking up quicker at night.
  • Burglar bars: Installing burglar bars that are fitted into the walls of your home offers extra security, as these are difficult to remove.
  • Professionally fitted burglar bars are important: yes, even when you live on the fourth floor. If you’re looking to upgrade your burglar bars, chat to a reputable supplier, and see what options fit well with your home’s decor and facade.
  • Bedroom doors, ensure that they lock easily. If you need to replace your bedroom doors, or have lost the keys for them, speak to a local business or handyman for advice.
  • Motion sensor beams that are linked to your alarm system is important. Consider installing these both inside and outside your home, as they serve as an early warning system.
  • Security cameras, as linking these up to your security company’s monitoring service is relatively simple, and it’s now quite easy for you to check what’s happening at home, just by opening an app on your mobile phone.

Read more: Secure your home from the outside in

More than just a security system

True home security, however, is not just a great system and using technology. It’s far more than that: adopting a home security mindset is key. Getting to know your neighbours, participating in community activities, and joining local social media pages or groups, is important. These can be useful tools in terms of monitoring and ensuring that your home is secure. Looking out for each other, and being able to quickly notice when something is amiss, is much easier when you know your neighbours.

In the dark

Of course, with load shedding remaining a concern for all of us, being prepared to get through the dark hours is key. While your alarm system may have to rely on battery power during your load shedding time periods, your internal lighting does not have to. If you can, invest in an alternative energy supply, such as an inverter, generator, or solar power panels. Big tip: Make sure your alternative energy source is installed and maintained by a reputable, registered company. Installing an alternative power source can improve your property’s value by quite a big margin. If your budget doesn’t extend to this, consider a trip to your local hardware store to pick up some solar-powered or battery-powered motion sensor lights, or rechargeable lights.

Creating an emergency plan

If you and your family need to make a hasty exit from the house, knowing where to go and what to do is vital. This helps to stave off panic, and keeps everyone safe while they’re on their way out. Map out an exit strategy from your home, and make sure everyone knows what to do when they need to.

A security assessment

Conducting a security assessment, to see where you can improve or upgrade your equipment and systems should be done annually. Call your security company for advice on how to upgrade or maintain your security system, and find out more about any new options they may have to offer. It’s also important to conduct regular battery and signal tests for your alarm system: find out from your security company what they recommend.

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