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Advertise your rental property faster

Advertise your rental property faster

Private Property South Africa
Carmel Woodman

Private Property have made advertising your rental property quicker and easier with their revamped listing process.
Advertising your property to rent is now just 7 easy steps away, and completely free! As “on-the-go” becomes the mantra for society, Private Property have made sure that they keep up with the times. You can now list a rental property on their website from your tablet or mobile phone, while on the move.

Property browsers are all about a visual experience, and Private Property have catered for this with a new photo section on rental properties. In this section, pictures can now be dragged and rotated, to give a well rounded view of the property to potential renters. The property’s main attributes can now be selected quickly and easily, which makes putting a property on the website as simple as a few clicks.

You’re now also able to see how your rental advertisement is doing by accessing statistics and leads.

“With around 50 tenants for every rental listing, Private Property is the largest platform of its type available to landlords. We offer a complete solution for landlords; from stats to help you price your rental correctly and advice on how to manage your rental property, to an efficient way to advertise it.”

Private Property have given you extra features, revamped designs, quicker listing and much more. Give it a try:

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