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Just Babies, Just Toddlers – The Children of Today are the Leaders of Tomorrow

Just Babies, Just Toddlers – The Children of Today are the Leaders of Tomorrow

Private Property South Africa
Claire Fraser

Just Babies and Just Babies/Toddlers are situated on two campuses – 83 Shannon Avenue, Noordheuwel, and 27 Kwartel Avenue, Kenmare, respectively. Catering for babies from 3 months and toddlers to four years old, the day care aims to provide a safe haven for babies and toddlers in Mogale City.

The Shannon Avenue branch of Just Babies caters for babies between three months and one year, whilst the Just Babies/Toddlers in Kwartel Avenue provides enriching classes for toddlers between the ages of one and four years. All children are divided into different classes with qualified teachers and assistants. The educational, safe and caring environment is designed to develop babies and toddlers – giving them the best opportunity to realise their full potential.

The school is an inter-denominational Christian day care centre specialising in baby/toddler care. Operating under the belief that babies need special care and attention, the staff to pupil ratio is kept very low. This extends to care for toddlers, ensuring that the individual needs of every child is met and addressed in an atmosphere of love.

The development of each child and toddler at Just Babies/Toddlers is elemental to their daily care. The qualified teachers and assistants are well-equipped to develop little ones into strong children, and prepare them in every way possible for pre-primary and primary school education. This means that the physical, emotional and intellectual interests of children are prioritised and developed within a culture of nurturing. In addition to this, children are given the confidence to learn in a safe environment, which also gives parents peace of mind.

Parents and teachers map the progress of the children at Just Babies/Toddlers through regular assessment. Upon introduction to Just Babies/Toddlers children are referred to specialised therapists and medical professionals and their well-being is monitored through the additional services of a physiotherapist, speech therapist and occupational therapist. In addition to this, parental involvement is promoted within the school.

Just Babies/Just Toddler is a professional and ethical business institution. They are dedicated to making a difference and serving the community, as well as creating a happy working environment for all of their staff, which makes a marked difference to the internal workings of the school.

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