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Little Oak Montessori – Freedom to Grow

Little Oak Montessori – Freedom to Grow

Private Property South Africa
Claire Fraser

Located in Irene, Gauteng, Little Oak offers the highly beneficial Montessori education system, giving children a healthy start to their school years.

Little Oak Montessori is a multi-cultural school embracing Christian principles, although accommodating and celebrating a range of faiths. The school’s curriculum implements the internationally-hailed Montessori method of instruction. This system allows children to reach their potential by recognising that learning takes place at an individual pace. Montessori employs the philosophy that real learning takes place through exploration and discovery.

Classes are overseen by educators who are facilitators of learning. All of the Directresses are Montessori Qualified and are individual members of the South African Montessori Association. These Directresses (teachers) guide children through appropriate activities and learning materials, according to each child’s individual interest and ability. The educators at Little Oak help the children in their care to unmask their love of learning, giving them lifelong skills and motivation to excel in academics. The individual strengths and challenges of each learner is the concern of educators, and the learning environment is adjusted to accommodate these. It is the personal knowledge of the children in each class that enables them to guide children down the most enriching and memorable avenues of learning.

The entire Montessori environment is conducive to the highest level of learning. Mixed age groups encourage learning and socialising, as well as offering a valuable source of help between learners. This system of learning encourages self-discipline and motivation – qualities that will enhance their learning abilities in years to come.

The Montessori method at Little Oak concentrates on the multi-faceted learning areas of each child. The materials are designed to address all of these. The Montessori classroom is a sensory environment – something that will hone the abilities of learners at this significant phase of their development. This is enriched by outings (or rather ‘intings’ on the premises) to further expand on their classes.

Little Oak Montessori is located on a secure campus in a residential home. The school also offers a number of external, extra-mural activities to complement their lessons and aid in their development. The majority of these are offered on the premises for parents’ convenience. In addition to this, there is morning and afternoon care available for children at Little Oak. Afternoon care includes a cooked lunch and a snack, with sporadic holiday programmes available, subject to interest.

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