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Taking the cheesy way out

Taking the cheesy way out

Private Property South Africa
The Roosting Venus

The expression “waste not, want not” was very much part of my upbringing. But that’s what happens when you have a grandmother who was housekeeping during the war. Still, “cheeseparer” was one of her strongest insults, hissed behind the cheeseparer’s back, with withering vehemence. Probably so very withering because regularly having to pare cheese was so close to the bone.

Yet in these times too, there’s almost as much need. If not due to a scarcity of actual cheese, at least because world over we’re faced with green issues (if we don’t look after the ozone there’ll be no holes in the Emmentaler) and economic meltdown.

And talking of economic meltdown, we all know that’s no fun. The time that my card didn’t work at the filling station is one such example. Whether it was the embarrassment of having them think there were no funds left or having to rush off and draw cash that left me feeling shaken for days I can’t say. Either way it wasn’t very pleasant and I thanked all possible parties that it had only happened at an Engen.

But what had me feeling more shaken recently was the suffering of a girlfriend, when her other half was caught between a sale and a purchase without any change for cheese.

As friends do when they are in need, she came to me for a strong mug of bitter coffee and some carb-free crumbs.

Bridging the gap

What were we going to do to save face for her other half? Yes, they were downscaling, so their finances should in theory have been a little more buoyant, and with a healthy sum from their recently sold property on its way, their future was secure. But when her other half had to pay for the transfer of their newly purchased downscale, he was suddenly out of cheddar, and just about everything else. Like most men he also didn’t want to talk about it.

Like most women, we fortunately did. And we even found a service for just this type of situation. Bridging finance they call it. The type of finance that really helps when thoughts flash to bridges and the like. With secure funds on their way, we found a company that was perfectly willing to help bridge the gap, and the month-long loan was just what we needed to keep his manhood intact. Their smooth, speedy service and total confidentiality left us feeling hugely relieved and our stealthy reference checks, yielding rave reviews, assured us we weren’t dealing with a bag of worms. Or sharks. All in all, a decent morning’s problem solving which we thought was worth another coffee and an extra crumb or five. Thank you Rodel Financial Services for helping out!

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