All "Property Advice" articles

3321 - 3330 of 4816 results

Banks Flex Their Muscles Once Again

We all know that one of the most stressful aspects associated with buying a home is raising bond finance. In addition to scrutinising the credit records of every applicant, querying the value of the property concerned and asking ...
Property Advice
Lea Jacobs
27 Jul 2012

What Property Will Cost in the Future

The news that the prime lending rate had been cut by a further 50 basis points, bringing the rate to a thirty year low of 8.5 percent, came as a major surprise and will undoubtedly bring welcome relief to those who have been ...
Property Advice
Lea Jacobs
26 Jul 2012

Landlords need to protect themselves

Economic hardship is putting tenants under pressure, creating problems for landlords and affecting the quality of rental properties. There are clear signs that some tenants are struggling to pay their monthly rentals. High ...
Property Advice
26 Jul 2012

Central Park at Waterfall Business Estate

South Africa’s most ambitious urban development is taking form at Waterfall Business Estate. Unifying northern Sandton and Midrand, Waterfall is a massive 330 hectare mixed-use development. Waterfall spans both sides of the ...
Property Advice
25 Jul 2012

Market Your Home Correctly

Supermodels would never dream of being photographed without makeup and yet there are homeowners who are perfectly willing to allow strangers to view the less than perfect interior of their homes on the web. There are rules ...
Property Advice
Lea Jacobs
25 Jul 2012

Save that windfall - when prime rates drop

Say the financial gurus, to those with mortgage bonds wanting to maximise the benefits of prime interest rates dropping.
Property Advice
Anna-Marie Smith
25 Jul 2012

Change Afoot in the Real Estate Industry

New real estate legislation and investment structures are changing the rules of the property game and investors and property owners would do well to take note of the shifting goal posts. So says Attie Pretorius, Director and ...
Property Advice
Anna-Marie Smith
24 Jul 2012

Offer to purchase agreement

An offer to purchase may not be worth the paper it is written on if the buyer is not in a solid financial position.
Property Advice
Lea Jacobs
20 Jul 2012

Get It Right - The First Time

Although it sounds a little ridiculous, there are some sellers out there who treat the sale of their home like a game of Russian roulette. Even those who are serious about selling and fully understand that they have to sell ...
Property Advice
Lea Jacobs
19 Jul 2012

Self-Storage - The Popular Solution

If your home or office is bursting at the seams, with every nook and cranny filled with years of accumulated goods, look no further than your local self-storage facility. Due to increasing demand, self-storage facilities are ...
Property Advice
Anna-Marie Smith
18 Jul 2012

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