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Family-friendly convenience
Living in this area makes travelling to work and other activities much easier, as it is centrally located to the surrounding neighbourhoods of Alberton, Boksburg, Bedfordview and Johannesburg South. Most amenities are within a short distance and the close community give this neighbourhood a feeling of security.
Map of Area and Surrounds
Experience Germiston
The air show, which is held at Rand Airport, can be enjoyed by families. Residents of this neighbourhood often relax and enjoy a picnic or braai, or just view the aircraft in the show. For the golfers, the Germiston Golf Club is the main golf course in this neighbourhood, and it's open to the public.
The Victoria Lake Club is a popular place to sit on the deck and enjoy a sundowner, overlooking the lake. For those wanting more action, water sports such as sailing, canoeing or boating take place on Victoria Lake.