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Warm up your bedroom, winter’s here.

Warm up your bedroom, winter’s here.

Private Property South Africa
The Roosting Venus

The colder months are the perfect time to cosy up in an indulgent bedroom. These quick touches will transform your space.

Admit it - the thought a truly luxurious and warm winter bedroom is really rather nice, especially if you have a favourite loved one, child, pet, book or TV show to share it with. Get your bedroom space lined up for winter indulgence with a few quick touches that will have you as warm as toast and feeling like a celeb.

Stop the draft

Are there gaps in your windows or under the doors that allow drafts to lower the temp in your bedroom? If so, get them sorted, it’s often as simple as a little window putty, a new pane of glass, or a strip on the bottom of a door.

Dress the windows

Outside temperatures transfer through glass and can lower the temperature in a room by a good few degrees. Slow down this diffusion, by switching the lightweight sheers or covering up blinds or shutters with an extra layer of heavier fabric during the cooler months. Curtains too costly? Find a cheap duvet set and turn it into curtains – they are even lined for you! Store them away during the summer months.

Luxurious bedding

Natural fabrics generally keep one warmer (and feel better) while allowing the body to breathe. Invest in some good quality sheeting (fluffy winter sheeting if it’s really cold), a down duvet inner and fluffy warm pillows. A lined throw is another great way to add a seasonal extra layer of heat – choose something fluffy for sumptuous warmth and texture.

Pillow talk.

Make sure you are cosy with a good stash of quality pillows - some for sleeping and others large enough to allow you to lean back in bed and enjoy a night-time mug of chocolate or a coffee and read-in on a weekend morning.

Treat your feet – and body.

Have warm slippers and a gown close at hand, so trips between bed and the bathroom, and nippy mornings aren’t half as daunting.

Consider a carpet

Got tiles, laminate, wood or screed flooring? Invest in a thick area rug. Adding huge warmth as well as a sense of focus and space, a rug absorbs sounds, banishes cold floors and feels good. Choose fluffy and oversize for an added sense of luxury.

Cheat the heat

In really cold parts of the country, heated blankets or mattress covers and under carpet heating pads are a great bonus and can make getting into and out of bed a delight. Similarly, area heaters come in all shapes a sizes and can make a huge difference to evenings and mornings. Do remember though to turn them off while you are asleep for safety sake – consider putting them onto timers if you have the option.

Create ambience

Tickle your other senses with warm white instead of cool white bulbs in bedside lighting and sweet bathroom soaps and scents. Warm spicy scented candles or room spray also create an instant ambience of comfort and cosiness.

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Heating Winter

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