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Articles related to "Landlord Advice"

451 - 460 of 1077 results
What to ask before buying a home
Must do’s and essential questions to ask before buying property.
Staying in - the new trend
The global trend of "cocooning" is becoming more popular in South Africa.
10 reasons to use a managing agent
Some of the most important services provided by a managing agent.
Why it makes sense to buy your own home
Freedom from paying rent is just one good reason for buying your own home.
Sustainable living drives demand for Cape eco estates
With climate change and sustainable living high on the agenda, property owners now also have the choice of living in an eco-estate.
Golden rules for WhatsApp communities
WhatsApp groups are proving increasingly more important for the dissemination of news that affects housing/street/suburb communities, but they can be difficult to manage.
Does your rental mandate matter?
Landlords should be careful who they entrust their mandate with.
5 things to consider before buying sectional title
When buying a sectional title unit it’s important to do your homework so that you are adequately informed about the Body Corporate’s current finances, future projects and future financial standing.
Invest in student accommodation for solid returns
The ongoing student-housing shortage throughout South Africa provides rewarding opportunities for buy-to-let investors.
Eco estates offer more than just security
While the security factor plays a very important part, there are various other benefits that the lifestyle in eco-estates affords residents.