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Articles related to "Industry News"

1721 - 1730 of 2109 results
The effects of e-Tolling
While some may have rolled over and bought e-tags, judging by the majority of reports, most people are determined to fight the e-toll war to the bitter end.
Property ownership can only boost the economy
In the US, research indicates that property purchases lead to increased consumer spending. Comparative South African research shows a similar trend.
How Will The Saldanha Bay IDZ Impact On Residents?
Should plans materialise for the newly licenced Saldanha Bay Industrial Zone to attract foreign and local business investments from the oil and gas sectors over 25 years..
To Renovate Or Not To Renovate?
Beware of over-capitalising on your home.
Landlords: Don't lose a reliable tenant over an increase
In the current property market, landlords who continue to raise residential rentals annually by 10% (or even more) are creating a situation in which they are likely to lose tenants.
To Renovate Or Not To Renovate?
Beware of over-capitalising on your home.
The pro's and con's of a fixed interest rate
With the prime interest rate at a low that was last seen in the market over 30 years ago, many homeowners may be contemplating fixing the rate on their bond.
The pro's and con's of a fixed interest rate
With the prime interest rate at a low that was last seen in the market over 30 years ago, many homeowners may be contemplating fixing the rate on their bond.
Always look at property in the long term
The last few years have seen detailed property statistics flood into the media at a pace never before experienced in South Africa..
Private Property hosts the inaugural CARE awards breakfast
On the 16th of October 2013 Private Property hosted the first CARE Awards prize-giving at the plush Durban Country Club.