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Articles related to "Green living"

131 - 140 of 205 results
Water woes for Johannesburg residents
Residents of Johannesburg will be hit with large water bills if they do not stick to the water restrictions that have been imposed by the municipality.
SA's property market is going green
South Africa is fast becoming more eco-conscious, with an increasing number of residential and commercial buildings being developed with green principles in mind.
Green building now more cost effective than ever
Green buildings can now be built for a little more than traditional buildings. For the environmental and economic benefits, it deserves serious consideration.
Smart homes and smarter cities
Amazing advances in technology are making it possible for you to connect to and remotely manage the appliances in your home.
Which is SA’s most cycling friendly city?
Exploring the state of cycling in South Africa’s top three cities: Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town.
The movement towards walkable cities
As the world population balloons and cities become more crowded, a movement has started to take back the city centres and make them more pedestrian friendly.
Grand Designs Live on trend
Grand Designs Live has evolved to become one of the premier home and garden events on South Africa’s calendar. This year’s event proved that the show is still very much on trend.
Homes are adapting to environmental needs and challenges
With talk of man living on Mars, under water, or as is already the case, on huge new man-made islands, how will our residences adapt to the environmental needs and challenges of the future?
Save money with regular home maintenance
Ledula experts share maintenance and conservation tips that can save you money this winter.
Wising up in winter
With winter in full swing many households are using a lot more energy than usual and with many consumers still feeling the pinch in a recovering market; it makes sense to look at ways to save energy..