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Property Buyer Show 2018 Cape Town | Customized lease agreements

Property Buyer Show 2018 Cape Town | Customized lease agreements

Private Property South Africa
Private Property Reporter

Private Property chats to Danielle Kriel, Rental Law Specialist at Danielle Kriel Attorney, about the benefits of a customized lease agreement for landlords and tenants.


So I’m here with Danielle Kriel, the attorney in the rental game of property. We’re here to ask her what her talk has been about today and what we can expect from her at the property buyer show.


So I'm Danielle Kriel. I am a regional specialist. I'm in a practice based in Claremont. I specialize in dealing with landlord-tenant relations and evictions. That's my speciality. So I work with a lot of landlords, obviously, and one of the things that I will always suggest is make sure you have a really well-drafted lease, by itself. But if you treat your lease's draft well, you are going to have a good basis for whatever comes over in the future. So problem or no problem, a good lease is what you need to have in place.

Why is a well-drafted lease agreement so important for landlords?


Why should you have a properly drafted lease from an attorney rather than buying one at CNA – please don't do it. But this is because you want to be protected fairly. So a standard lease or a lease drafted by somebody else is generic. It has just the most basic terms that you need in there, and actually, as a landlord, you need more protection than that. So that's what I offer you, my customer, is your lease. I give you a landlord's guide so when you go away from me, you don't need to call me every five minutes. You've got everything that you need in the pack. And when you run into a problem, I know that I have to do all my steps because I know all your paperwork is correct and in process.

What should a landlord do if a tenant is in arrears?


So golden nugget would be act quickly. As soon as your tenant goes into arrears, or there's a problem with the tenant, send out your breach notices. Make sure you follow your correct processes. The sooner you act, the sooner you can get it resolved.

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