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Articles related to "Home owners"

271 - 280 of 489 results
Solving parking issues in sectional title schemes
The allocation, use and maintenance of parking bays in sectional title schemes can be a constant source of conflict. Understanding the law governing their use could resolve a lot of this conflict.
Buying? Here’s why choosing the right neighbourhood is so important
When buying property, the lifestyle on offer is just as important as the house itself. These are some important things to consider.
Sectional title owner? This is how the new regulations affect you.
New legislation came into effect late last year with regards to sectional title schemes, CSOS and the new Sectional Title Regulations. This is what these mean to you as a Sectional Title owner.
How the CSOS dispute resolution service works
Bodies Corporate and Home Owners’ Associations are starting to get a sense of how the office of the Ombud for Community Schemes is going to work. Here’s what you can take to the Ombud
Why you should install separate meters in sectional title schemes
Installing separate meters for water and electricity will help the financial management of sectional title schemes. This is how the project needs to be tackled.
Can your HOA stop the sale of your house?
The Home Owners Association of a scheme or development have the power to stop the sale of a unit if the homeowner has not complied with the scheme rules.
9 Home safety rules every child should know
Keeping your kids safe while at home is a priority for all parents. Teaching them these 9 rules will help keep them out of harm’s way.
Budget 2017: how it will affect the property market
What does this year’s budget speech mean for those who own property or are buying property this year? The heads of some of SA’s biggest estate agencies have their say.
Budgeting tips for sectional title schemes
Trustees of sectional title schemes should consider these useful tips when structuring the scheme’s annual budget for the year ahead.
Your security could be sending the wrong message to buyers
Those who install thousands of rand’s worth of security features before putting their home up for sale may be putting some buyers off.