
Constantly evolving regulations, a fluctuating market, ever-changing neighbourhoods… the property market is a constantly-moving industry that requires expert insight and knowledge. Private Property provides the latest news and advice on everything property related for all sides of the spectrum. In our one-stop Property Advice portal, you can find:

Q4 Vacancy Survey indicates it is still a tenants market

Q4 Vacancy Survey indicates it is still a tenants market

The residential property market has continued to record good business activity. What are the latest indicators?

Choosing a bed: The ultimate guide to your best night’s sleep!
Lifestyle and Decor

Choosing a bed: The ultimate guide to your best night’s sleep!

In a sea of choice, how do you choose the mattress that is right for you?

How do you know you are ready for homeownership?
Property Advice

How do you know you are ready for homeownership?

What factors should one consider before purchasing property?

GDP in the last quarter 2021

GDP in the last quarter 2021

The economic forecast shows that recovery is expected to be reasonable but uneven - and not broad-based.

Price reduction - advice for sellers
Property Advice

Price reduction - advice for sellers

You can market your property at the correct price instead of opting to reduce the price when it doesn’t sell.

Struggling schools see new success in recovering school fees

Struggling schools see new success in recovering school fees

Schools have been battling with schools fees debt levels. What's currently prevailing?

House fires – 14 must read safety tips
Property Advice

House fires – 14 must read safety tips

The importance of insurance, and ensuring that your home is equipped with well-maintained and regularly tested fire protection equipment.

Make 2022 the year that includes resolutions for your property
Property Advice

Make 2022 the year that includes resolutions for your property

There’s nothing like a new year to get us thinking to make those all-important changes that will improve our lives.

5 Essential Finance Tips for The New Year
Property Advice

5 Essential Finance Tips for The New Year

Here are five key pieces of advice to consider for the new year

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