Home owners

Constantly evolving regulations, a fluctuating market, ever-changing neighbourhoods… the property market is a constantly-moving industry that requires expert insight and knowledge. Private Property provides the latest news and advice on everything property related for all sides of the spectrum. In our one-stop Property Advice portal, you can find:

Property Advice

Pets in sectional title schemes

You love your dogs and your cats, and you’re thinking of buying a unit in a sectional title scheme. Do the trustees have the right to tell you that your furry family can’t live with you? Yup. They do. And you need to know if ...

Property Advice

Why are you selling your home?

One of the most important things that a buyer needs to know is why the seller is selling his home. Properties change hands every day and people have a multitude of reasons as to why they want to ...

Know your rights as a sectional title owner
Property Advice

Know your rights as a sectional title owner

There are many advantages to living in a sectional title complex: however, there can be a downside to residing in an estate that is governed by others - learn your rights here.


You can put a price on security

Security remains one of the main factors influencing home buying decisions in Gauteng.

What makes a neighbourhood truly great?
Lifestyle and Decor

What makes a neighbourhood truly great?

A casual stroll through PrivateProperty’s property listings would probably confuse anyone: with so many choices available, how on earth do you decide which neighbourhood would suit you best?  

Are estates really the answer?

Are estates really the answer?

Not too long ago, gated communities and ‘secure’ luxury estates were something of an oddity. Not so anymore. Today, you don’t have to go too far to see a massive mixed - use ‘city within a city’ secured by military grade ...

Property Advice

Just what are the duties of managing agents?

Like so many other South Africans, I live in a complex. While there are benefits to living in such developments, there are also negatives.

Bad neighbours: overhanging branches
Property Advice

Bad neighbours: overhanging branches

A neighbour’s tree causing damage to your property can be a source of conflict. What are your rights?

HOAs can block property transfers
Property Advice

HOAs can block property transfers

Home owners associations can block the transfer of a property if the owner has not paid outstanding levies. A recent case has shed light on a matter which has seemingly been a source of conflict and confusion within property ...

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