Landlord Advice

Constantly evolving regulations, a fluctuating market, ever-changing neighbourhoods… the property market is a constantly-moving industry that requires expert insight and knowledge. Private Property provides the latest news and advice on everything property related for all sides of the spectrum. In our one-stop Property Advice portal, you can find:

Property Advice

Investing in mixed-use developments looks at four mixed-use developments in South Africa, at varying stages of completion, highlighting the investment opportunities inherent to properties of this nature ...

Property Advice

Don’t Sink Your Financial Ship

Rising utility costs, wage increases and the cost of maintaining a sectional title development have undoubtedly impacted on bodies corporate around the country. It can be said with a fair amount of certainty that bodies ...

Property Advice

Do Your Research on Prospective Tenants

In a recent report issued by the Tenant Profile Network (TPN) it was noted that 81 percent of South African tenants are in good standing with their rental payments. Although this figure has not changed from the previous quarter, ...


Is your estate agent registered?

All Estate Agents have to register with the Estate Agents Affairs Board (EAAB) when they first become Agents.

Property Advice

Wanted: Dead or Alive - Landlords Witholding Deposits

Tenants who believe that their landlords are unfairly withholding their deposits can report the matter to the Rental Housing Tribunal. If some of the comments left on the Private Property website ...

No, You Cannot Simply Cancel the Sale
Property Advice

No, You Cannot Simply Cancel the Sale

A sales agreement is a legally binding document and anyone who attempts to back out of a property purchase for spurious reasons may well land up in hot water. One of the most common ways a buyer will attempt to cancel the ...

No, you cannot simply cancel the house sale
Property Advice

No, you cannot simply cancel the house sale

It’s not uncommon for buyers to try to cancel a house sale after signing the contract. Private Property discusses the implications of breaching a sale contract.

Property Advice

Choosing the right rental agent is vital

Although everyone will tell you that you need to work with a good agent when letting out property, finding the right person with the right ethos is not always as easy as it first appears. What does a good agent do differently to ...

Property Advice

Landlords need to protect themselves

Economic hardship is putting tenants under pressure, creating problems for landlords and affecting the quality of rental properties. There are clear signs that some tenants are struggling to pay their monthly rentals. High ...

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