Buying Advice

Constantly evolving regulations, a fluctuating market, ever-changing neighbourhoods… the property market is a constantly-moving industry that requires expert insight and knowledge. Private Property provides the latest news and advice on everything property related for all sides of the spectrum. In our one-stop Property Advice portal, you can find:

Property Advice

Don’t just talk foreign

Purchasing an international property is an excellent way for investors to diversify their current property or investment portfolios, provided that the necessary considerations are taken into account. This is according to James ...

Only fools rush in
Property Advice

Only fools rush in

Reports regarding the return of buy-to-let investors to the residential property market are, although in some cases a little too bullish, fundamentally correct.

Property Advice

Post-sale finance

The only certainty in life is change. As we progress through life, our needs and goals evolve and with them, our property requirements.

I refuse to sell your home!
Property Advice

I refuse to sell your home!

An interesting debate took place on Facebook recently: an estate agent posted that he was not willing to deal with a seller who wouldn’t listen to reason and who wouldn’t take his advice on the selling price. The agent argued ...

Stretch to the max?
Property Advice

Stretch to the max?

Before you can look at buying a home, you need to know the maximum price you can pay. Here are five easy steps to help you calculate this.

Don’t dive into holiday buys
Property Advice

Don’t dive into holiday buys

Agents say that buyers who have an urge to invest in second homes while they are still on holiday show various forms of discretion. Some potential buyers, they say, will view the same properties on several occasions. They often ...

Property Advice

The three-month wait

After many months of searching for and agonising over properties, you finally find your dream home. You put in an offer, which is accepted, and happy days – your bond application is approved.

Property Advice

Buy only the best – but do it now

Let's be honest: there are a lot of conflicting reports out there offering tips on when, where and how to buy property. Buying a home, particularly when it’s your first, is an incredibly ...

Your bond: don’t close the door
Property Advice

Your bond: don’t close the door

Although the monthly installment on a bond that is nearly paid up is usually minimal and probably isn't going to make much of a difference to your pocket once the mortgage is cleared, this doesn't detract from the absolute joy ...

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