Buying Advice

Constantly evolving regulations, a fluctuating market, ever-changing neighbourhoods… the property market is a constantly-moving industry that requires expert insight and knowledge. Private Property provides the latest news and advice on everything property related for all sides of the spectrum. In our one-stop Property Advice portal, you can find:

Property Advice

Fools rush in

House hunting is an exciting time. Chances are you have a fairly good idea of what you’re looking for and will know when you’ve finally found “the one”. From the moment you step through the doorway a feeling creeps up on you, ...

Property Advice

Sole providers

What exactly is a sole mandate and why is it so popular?

Should it stay or should it go?
Property Advice

Should it stay or should it go?

Selling a home is pretty exciting, making it easy to get caught up in the moment and forget to discuss - and clarify - important issues with the buyer. Before cussing becomes the order of the day. One particularly prickly issue ...

You snooze, you snooze
Property Advice

You snooze, you snooze

My Other Half likes a cat-nap. In fact so much so does he enjoy them that I find him nodding off in all manner of unplanned places as a matter of course. It’s all very well for example after a lengthy lunch on a Sunday, but ...

Property Advice

Stand up and be counted

Being a legal-wise property owner is an arduous but necessary business – and even more so when looking at how the law prescribes that voting processes must be applied at sectional title scheme meetings. On average, the passing ...

Property Advice

CPA: the all-important 20-day clause

While the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) has done South African consumers an enormous favour by protecting their rights it has, unfortunately, also led to a great deal of confusion as to what a tenant’s rights actually are. This ...

Bank values vs bond amounts
Property Advice

Bank values vs bond amounts

Not much is quite as frustrating as finding the home of your dreams at a price you can afford, only to discover that the bank is unwilling to grant a bond because they don't agree with the ...

Property Advice

Opinion: local property investment is safer than offshore options

With UK, European and US residential property now showing many signs of recovery, Bill Rawson, was recently asked if he still holds the view he propounded in 2009..

Make a calculated buying decision
Property Advice

Make a calculated buying decision

Mention ‘bond affordability calculator’ and most people will automatically think of a bank or home loan provider. Today, bond affordability calculators are an important part of many financial institutions’ repertoire as they are ...

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